Thursday, September 13, 2018

Constancy of the Present

Thinking about existential-phenomenology, specifically Merleau-Ponty:
-a zone where being and consciousness coincide
-the constancy of the present
-"now" is an artificial way of constructing the present
-we exist in the present but what about memory?
-internal perception of time vs. clock time
-time is a fountain
-embodied stimulation
-the role of the body in perception (not just about the mind)

A few things:
-ontology = what is
-phenomenology = what appears

-plenum = the whole of space

-what does time look like?
-what colour is the present?
-what about colours that change? colours that change as you move (reflections?)
-what about colours that fade?
-what about colours that get harder/easier to see over time?

Philip Guston

Henri Matisse

Brice Marden

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