Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Some new stuff

These paintings are about the inside and the outside.

Form is the rational grid section/detail
but is eyeballed, not measured or mechanical
Organic, human divisions

Obvious piece missing implicates the wall as
not just a ground for the figure of the painting
but are interdependent

The wall is important as the medium of silences
between the paintings (music metaphor to time between notes)

Neons: reflective outward moving hue
with interior, self-referential gesture

White painted over green to absorb the light
an internal motion, but mimics the outside
of the wall.

The work pulses and acts on the optic
nerves back and forth viewer to image

Sides are left green causing halos
a play of dimensionality, a tease for the
viewer to approach or walk around

Chiasm: Maurice Merleau-Ponty refers to this word in The Visible and Invisible, The Intertwining-The Chiasm
-the point where two chromatids are intertwined (interwoven) in a cell

-questioning what is inside and outside
-how far does the logic need to be consistent?
-is the green edge important?
-synthetic colour
-small grid seems to work best with the gesture/scale
-Carol Waino: sensitivities and grey
-John Murchie
-Gary Neil Kennedy: painted murals
-notations on approximations to make to refer to other things

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