Friday, August 13, 2010

Exciting developments

I've had a very exciting week this week. On Thursday, I met with a lady (Ellen Manning) who is running what's called the Victoria Emerging Artist Gallery and I've been selected by a panel of jurors (no entry fee either = awesome) to be a part of the inaugural exhibition. The show will involve me and 10 other emerging artist from Victoria and Vancouver Island with the pricing mandate that on the first night, everyone's pictures will be $200 each and each artist has 3 pieces on display. Because the coordinator anticipates that the show will sell out quickly (cuz $200 is essentially giving them away in her opinion) we each have another set of 3 pictures for the rest of the week. Also, on opening night, the public will chose the top 3 artists and each will get a prize. After opening night, everyone's remaining pictures go up in price to $300, the top 3 going up to $800, $600 and $400 according to placement. What really excites me about being a part of this (aside from getting super awesome exposure from this gallery and getting my foot in the door of the Victoria art scene) is that they are going to represent me for a year. What this means is that I have to send them another 6 pictures after the show is over to have for sale and display online and at the coordinator's studio. If I get top 3 then I'm represented for 2 years.
I'm super excited about this because the people running this seem to be plugged into collectors and patrons in the commercial and non-commercial gallery circles. So yay! We'll see where this goes but it feels like a really good step!
Here's the link . . . he he, I'm first on the list :)

My pics for opening night: (August 19th)

And for the rest of the week.

I've allready chosen my other 6 for the follow up exhibition but I need better pics of them before posting.
Wish me luck!

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