Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Static Shock, 48 inches by 36 inches, oil on canvas, 2017

Aloe Vera, 48 inches by 36 inches, oil on canvas, 2017


My series of striped forms paintings seem to be developing into something where the reference to figuration is just barely there. I'm really excited about them and have been rather obsessed! I'm going to take an actual break now for the holiday season and hopefully, I can pick up that momentum when I get back. In the meantime, I'll show you what I mean and what kind of inspiration I'm drawing from now.

Cecily Brown

Cecily Brown

Arshile Gorky

Arshile Gorky

Mark Rothko

Mark Rothko

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Quotable quotes

Today must not be a souvenir of yesterday, and so the struggle is everlasting. Who am I today? What do I see today? How shall I use what I know, and how shall I avoid being victim of what I know? Life is not repetition. (Robert Henri)

What am I in most people's eyes? A nonentity or an eccentric and disagreeable man... I should want my work to show what is in the heart of such an eccentric, of such a nobody. (Vincent Van Gogh)

I am constantly preoccupied with how to remove distance so that we can all come closer together, so that we can all begin to sense we are the same, we are one. (David Hockney)

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Butterflies in Formation

Butterflies in Formation, 48" by 36". oil on canvas, 2017
Process images of the development of this painting. I take a lot of snaps of my paintings as they develop. I like keeping this kind of record because when you are in the groove, it's hard to remember how you got to where you are.